These questions can plague you as a cat-owner, mostly when your furry buddy was already a picky eater in the first place. Now, they won’t even so much as look at their favorite treat, and no furry tail flicks up to meet you when you shake the snack bag. This should be cause for much concern because a cat that doesn’t eat is a cat with one paw already in its resting place. Malnutrition kills more cats than any other diseases or accidents.
Another fatal condition is hepatic lipidosis or fatty liver. It’s one of the most well-known diseases of the liver in felines. According to vets (check it out), this happens when a cat goes starved for a long time, in which stored fats are used as energy by the body. As this natural response to hunger happens, fat begins to build up in hepatocytes, clogging them and ultimately malfunctioning the whole organ.
With these alarming outcomes, your newfound alarm is understandable. What needs to be done is to bring back your cat’s appetite, but how? In this article, we’ll be talking about how CBD can help with a loss of appetite and other important information that could prove useful to a cat-owner such as you.
But First, What’s CBD?
CBD is a colloquialism for Cannabidiol, a phytocannabinoid found in cannabis plants. It’s abundant in hemp, which is the primary source of most, if not all, CBD products dispensed today. Almost 55% of the cannabinoid count in hemp is accounted for Cannabidiol, with 112 other cannabinoids housing the rest, and THC being the least, with 2%.
THC is another phytocannabinoid, just like Cannabidiol, but it causes psychoactive effects to the user, unlike its sister compound. This might be familiar, so yes, THC is linked closely to marijuana-use. It’s the main reason users get “stoned,” though take note, not a gram should find its way in any CBD products for animals. THC is poisonous to them.
CBD companies are careful to remove the meager amount of THC in hemp before using them in manufacturing. Many customers are purchasing this for their anorexic cat as you can read here and other similar sites. The reason behind it being its potency when it comes to the condition. Just make sure when you decide to buy CBD oil or treats for your cat, you choose a reputable CBD company for it.
What you should be looking for in cannabidiol companies is their COA (certificate of analysis), which has a 3rd party lab results with it as well. This will show how much Cannabidiol is present in their formula and if contaminants are present, like tetrahydrocannabinol. This not only ensures your product is of high-quality but also ensures what you give to your cat is nothing less than safe.
Get Your Cat To Eat With A Few Simple Ways:
Change Their Food Bowl
Sometimes, it’s as simple as their distaste of seeing the same food bowl over and over again. As a cat-owner, this wouldn’t faze you in the slightest. There is a reasonable explanation, however, one that doesn’t make you scratch your head like their simple dislike to their dish.
Cats are sensitive to taste and smell. Your food bowl, either made of plastic or metal, could be adding to the taste of their food and put off their appetite. Just as any human wouldn’t eat in a dirty dish, your cat would want a good dish. Something easy to clean and adds to additional flavor would be ideal, like a porcelain bowl. Make sure to use a shallow bowl so your cat won’t have to reach down and hurt their neck.
Use Cannabidiol In Their Food
But alas, it’s not always as straightforward as changing their dish bowl. It could be an underlying sickness, aging, or depression. Whatever it is, Cannabidiol oil added to their food can help a cat get its appetite back almost instantaneously. When ingested, CBD will activate the CB1 receptors in the brain, including the part in charge of hunger. Not only that, but it also addresses any inflammation or immune-related conditions with its anti-inflammatory properties.
Feed Them Food They Like, For Now
Another way to coax them to eat is to know what they like to eat as a treat and start from there. If forced to eat, cats can get nauseous and vomit it all out. This will also cause them food aversion, especially to the food you forcibly made them eat, and we don’t want that to happen.
Once they can eat a handful of their favorite treat, start to feed them healthier choices. At first, they’ll refuse to sniff at it, but if you provide it right along with their favorite treat, they’ll associate it with such treats and begin to adapt it in their diet. Just remember not to overfeed them initially.
Remember to always ask the advice of your veterinarian before starting anything new and if you are concerned about your cat.
*collaborative post