Why Practising Mindfulness Has Become Such A Major Trend

Long haired brunette lady sat crosslegged at the end of a pier overlooking a lake practising mindfulness

From yoga retreats and meditation apps right through to office breathing exercises, mindfulness has become more popular than ever, and for good reason. More people are craving ways to unplug, stop staring at screens, and connect with each other. These motivations are why mindfulness has become such a major trend.

Because of its popularity, practising mindfulness is easier now than it ever has been. Here are some simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine:

Take The Morning For Yourself

If you’re like most people, the morning is a stressful time. You snooze your alarm, have to rush your shower, grab something to eat on the go (if you’re lucky), and still roll into work right in the nick of time. But what if you changed your morning ritual to be more mindful?

Instead of setting your alarm as late as possible, try to give yourself an extra 10 to 15 minutes every day. Chris Winfield shares his favourite ways to create a “success-based morning routine,” such as:

  • Going to bed earlier so you can wake up earlier.
  • Exercising in the morning.
  • Drinking lots of water and eating a protein-rich breakfast.
  • Spending 5-10 minutes writing in a gratitude journal.

These simple changes will help you set your day off on the right track from the very first moment you get out of bed.

Embrace Forgiveness

We all hold grudges, but embracing forgiveness is an important part of caring for your mental and physical health. Not only does forgiveness put you in a better mindset, but it also helps lower the risk of heart attack, improve your cholesterol, decrease blood pressure, stress, and anxiety, and help you get better sleep. In fact, some studies show that those who practise forgiveness are more likely to live longer! Forgiving others is a wonderful way to be more mindful every day.

Use Technology To Help

You don’t have to trek down to a yoga studio or join a meet up to practise meditation and mindfulness on your own. There are countless apps to help people relax and refocus, including Headspace, Calm, and 10% Happier. Or, you can subscribe and listen to one of the many meditation and mindfulness podcasts available today. Listen at work, in the car, or at home to easily experience the many scientific benefits of mindfulness.

Mindfulness continues to grow in popularity and practice. When we are more mindful of ourselves, others, and the world around us, we are more productive, calm, and less anxious. We live in a day and age where we are always plugged in and online, which makes it even more valuable to take time for ourselves. Try these simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine today.

Author Bio

Rachel is a freelance content writer located in San Diego, California. Over the course of her career, she has written a variety of health, parenting, and fitness articles. In her free time, she enjoys running along the beach with her two puppies and practicing yoga.




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