You Are Probably Too Young For Botox, Here’s What To Do Instead

Most people don’t like to have oily skin and would prefer a normal skin type, but did you know that oily skin is one of the best defenses against ageing? This is the case, especially if you are in your 20s and 30s. However, not everyone has an oily skin type, and most of the time, people who do, try everything they can to get rid of it.

Compared to the last couple of centuries, the younger generation today cares more about their skin and the effects caused by ageing than ever before. People are getting more aware of how they look and how they age. Imperfections are placed under a magnifying glass, which causes people to make rash decisions, such as going under the knife at a high price just to look a certain way and feel more confident.

Realistically, everybody’s skin will age at some point, which is why it is important to treat your skin from an early age, preferably from your early 20s to ensure that the effects of the ageing process are slowed down. There are also many preventative measures you can take, other than Botulinum toxin type A (Botox) – the number one ageing treatment people opt for as a solution to prevent ageing on the skin.

Botox Alternatives For Your 20s And 30s

For the first time in 2002, the Food and Drug Association (FDA) approved Botox as a safe treatment option by clinical professionals as a preventative method to prevent and treat the appearance of ageing. However, it is not a suitable anti-ageing treatment for everybody.

Today, there are many alternative options that anyone, especially adults in their 20s and 30s can consider to achieve effective results.

The Best Botox Alternatives


Dermal fillers, such as injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) are one of the most effective alternatives to botox that is recommended to people in their 20s and 30s. These dermal fillers are made of sugar molecules found in the skin and the body’s connective tissues. It is used to retain water to keep your skin tissues lubricated. Additionally, the hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers adds volume to the skin naturally for a more sustainable solution compared to botox.

Injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers are offered as a popular treatment at Dr. Darren McKeown in the UK.

Dermal fillers can be safely injected into the following areas on the skin:

  • Nasolabial folds – Lines from the end of your nose to the end of your lips
  • Wrinkles of the cheeks
  • Wrinkles on the forehead
  • Perioral area – Wrinkles around the lip area
  • Marionette lines – Lines running from the corner of your mouth to the jawline


Exercise slows down ageing of the body, but what about your face?

FaceXercise is an up-and-coming new trend that was made popular by celebrities, such as Cindy Crawford and Jennifer Aniston. The Face exercise is a technique that uses cupping and massaging of the face to improve blood flow and facial circulation. Additionally, it also drains lymphatic fluid in the face and neck area to clear out any toxins in the tissues and fluid build-up that causes a puffy appearance of the face.

FaceXercise is a popular alternative to Botox and surgical anti-ageing options because it is all-natural and doesn’t require needles or injections.

Face Patches

Face patches are exactly what it sounds like, a literal patch that you place on your face. This patch has been designed specifically for wrinkles and lines on your face, such as nose to mouth lines, eye wrinkles, or frown lines.

The sticky face patch gets placed on your wrinkle or trouble area, which then gets smoothed out. The more often you use this natural treatment method, the more effective it can be. It is ideal for people in their 20s or 30s who may see small wrinkles appearing on their face and would like to prevent it or keep it from getting worse without getting any injections.

The great thing about these face patches is that they are inexpensive and can cost as little as $20.00 for an effective at-home treatment.


Like exercise for your face, acupuncture works wonders as an anti-ageing solution for your face too.

Acupuncture has many benefits, including reduced stress and pain for the body, but also improves facial elasticity and promotes skin hydration – both very important factors of preserving younger-looking skin. It is a natural anti-ageing treatment option that reduces existing and prevents new wrinkles from occurring.

Although other methods may be more effective, it is ideal for anyone in their 20s and 30s that wants to take care of their skin early on.

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