My Teenage Diary Series – February 23rd 1995

Dear Teenage Diary,

Went to the gym today and boy was there this gorgeous lad there, he was hot with a capital H. Anyway, he kept following me around and glancing at me and Sheila convinced me that he liked me, so I got her to give him my phone number, which we had to write on a receipt. She nearly backed out, but I pleaded with her, so she ran up and gave it him. He apparently guessed what was going on because he walked up to her. She gave it him and he said “cheers” with a smile. God, do I hope he phones. Every time the phone has rung tonight I’ve jumped out of my skin. He probably won’t phone. I mean stuff like that only happens in the movies, not to me.

Friday – he phoned! I can’t believe it. I was the one who answered, so I was like “who is this?” And when he told me, I was like “oh, er, u, right yes”. I’ve found out quite a lot about him. His name’s Noah and he’s 16. He goes to Hardenhuish school and he’s been to the gym for 2 1/2 years. I told him I was going again Sunday and asked whether he’d be there. He said he doesn’t usually go on Sundays, but then asked what time it started and he wrote it down, so hopefully he’ll be there. Please let him be there. I’m growing to like him. He’s really cute.

*All names have been changed from those in my monthly teenage diary to protect the not so innocent.

Remember to come back Monday for the next instalment of my 1995 teenage diary.

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Author Bio

Becky Stafferton is a full time blogger over on her website The Art of Healthy Living, mum of 2 and certified Queen of the hashtags. She continually strives to promote a realistic, sustainable and positive image of how to lead a healthy life. When she’s not writing or reading her teenage diary she can be found swigging Prosecco from the bottle, running through muddy puddles, making lists of lists, having a good old moan, scoffing flapjacks and squatting like her life depends on it.

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