My Teenage Diary Series – February 26th 1995

Dear Teenage Diary,

He was there! At first I was too scared to go over and talk to him. I wanted to because he was on his own and he kept looking over at me, but it was really embarrassing because Rose and Geraldine were there and they knew exactly what was going on. Eventually, Sheila made me go over there with her and we just started talking. OK so there were loads of gaps in between, you could tell that both of us were really nervous.

Afterwards, I went up to him and asked him for his phone number, so he gave it me and then said, “are you gonna phone, or shall I?” so I said I would on Tuesday evening. I then went to go, but realised Rose and Geraldine were in the canteen, so me and Sheila had to go back in, so I stayed and talked to him for a while longer.

I’ve found out loads about him. I’ll draw up a fact file:

  • His birthday is in September.
  • He lives in Lacock.
  • He’s got his own motorbike and car.
  • His last name’s Ferry.
  • He likes R.E.M.
  • He’s got two older sisters, one of which is going to have a baby.
  • He lives alone with his dad.
  • He’s going to Chippenham college.
  • He wants to take a course in vehicle maintenance and then join the Army.
  • He plays darts.
  • His friends name is Alex.

I went out at night with Denise and she insisted that we phone him up, so she dialled and everything, asked whether Noah was there, then handed me the phone. So I said, “sorry, it’s just my friend pissing around,” and it turned out his dad was still on the line. I handed the phone back to Denise so fast and she explained what was going on and then handed back to me when Noah was really on the phone. Again, I apologised, because I didn’t want to appear pushy and we just talked for a while. And he said, “Are you still phoning me on Tuesday?” so I said, “yeah, if you still want me to.” He said “yeah”. Afterwards, Denise told me that his dad had thought she was me and had said, “he thinks you’re dishy”. At least that’s complete proof that he likes me.

Before I phone him Tuesday, I might write a list down of things I can talk about, ‘cos I know that we’re both so uncomfortable when things go quiet. I may even ask him to the cinema, but I’ll have to do some research first. He’s the greatest, he’s just so cute. I can’t believe that he likes me, I’m just so stunned.

*All names have been changed from those in my monthly teenage diary to protect the not so innocent.

Remember to come back Monday for the next instalment of my 1995 teenage diary.

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Author Bio

Becky Stafferton is a full time blogger over on her website The Art of Healthy Living, mum of 2 and certified Queen of the hashtags. She continually strives to promote a realistic, sustainable and positive image of how to lead a healthy life. When she’s not writing or reading her teenage diary she can be found swigging Prosecco from the bottle, running through muddy puddles, making lists of lists, having a good old moan, scoffing flapjacks and squatting like her life depends on it.

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