Resolutions for 2016 #13

In 2016 we will…

Take the stairs!

Did you know that for every stair you climb you burn approximately 0.17 calories, which is about seven times as much energy than if you were to take the lift. In fact, climbing the stairs is categorised as vigorous exercise and if done correctly, can burn more calories than the same amount of time spent jogging. As with any exercise, the heavier you are the bigger the calorie burn, but did you also know that there is an ideal way to climb stairs that will ensure you get optimum results?

Scientists from the University of Roehampton discovered that climbing five flights of stairs for five times a week burnt, on average, 302 calories if the stairs were taken one step at a time. However, when the same flight of stairs was tackled by taking two steps at a time, only 260 calories were burnt off.

So, what are you waiting for?

Get climbing those stairs in 2016 and you can wave goodbye to calories and say hello to toned bums and thighs… just remember to take it one step at a time!

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