Resolutions for 2016 #3

In 2016 we will…


Eat our 5 a day.

We all know that eating 5 portions of fruit or vegetables a day is good for us, but we don’t all do it. Well, 2016 can be the year that you do and actually it’s really not that difficult.

Plan to have at least one piece of fruit or one type of vegetable with every meal and you’re almost there! Here are some ideas:


Porridge with fresh fruit – Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are great in the summer and in the colder months why not try mashing in a banana or putting some stewed apples or blackberries on top for added comfort factor.

Juice – A glass of fresh juice, such as orange, counts as one of your 5 a day. What could be easier than that!?

Scrambled egg with spinach – If you prefer a savoury breakfast then try mixing some spinach leaves into your scrambled eggs for a delicious and nutritious protein packed start to your day.


Sandwich – A staple in most people’s lunchboxes and so easy to incorporate one of your 5 a day, simply by adding salad to your usual filling.

Pasta salad – Add tasty, crunchy vegetables, such as peppers, to cooked pasta, tuna and some low fat mayonnaise and best of all this can be made the night before, put in the fridge and be ready and waiting for you to take to work in the morning.

Jacket potato – Who doesn’t love a fluffy, wholesome jacket potato? Whether you like to top it with baked beans, cheese, tuna or chilli, put a few salad leaves and cucumber on the side and et voilà one of your 5 a day!


Spaghetti bolognaise – This dish is perfect for packing in and hiding lots of vegetables, so if you’re a bit fussy with your veggies or you have children who turn their noses up at anything healthy, this is the perfect dish. Finely chop peppers, mushrooms, onions, carrots, celery and garlic, cook together with minced beef, tinned tomatoes and some herbs and you’ll have a nutritious family dinner that could easily contain all of your 5 a day!

Pizza – Most pizzas have tomato sauce on them, but it’s a bit of a cheat to count that as one of your 5 a day! Think about what toppings you could put on them that would include some fruit or vegetables, for example: pineapple chunks, strips of pepper, mushrooms, spinach or onion. Even if you don’t have the time to make your own pizzas you can still add extra vegetables to the top of shop bought ones.

Stir Fry – One of the quickest dinners to make and so easy to include a whole variety of different vegetables along with the meat and sauce of your choice. Baby corn, mange tout, sugar snap peas, peppers, bean sprouts, root ginger and onions are all great in a chicken stir fry with either oyster or soy sauce.

Fruit and vegetables are absolutely ram packed full of the important vitamins and minerals that help our bodies function, repair and grow properly. As you can see from the meal suggestions above it’s really not that difficult to incorporate fruit and vegetables into your diet and that’s without even including the pieces of fruit you may snack on throughout the day.

Make eating 5 a day one of your 2016 resolutions; an easy resolution to stick to and one that is hugely beneficial to your health.

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