Wellness Trends For 2023: Art Of Healthy Living Predicts

The pandemic put a lot of things in perspective for us, and as such the wellness trends for 2023 are likely to reflect our changing priorities. Today’s mindset is more reflective, more channelled, and is generally far less impressed by the elitism that the wellness industry once existed within. We want realistic solutions to our wellness worries, something we can take control of to help us look after our own emotional and mental health.

At this time of year, we like to look ahead to the upcoming year and see what lies in store for wellness. So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at our predictions of the 6 most influential wellness trends for 2023.

1. Emotional Escape Rooms

Our emotions are still pretty much all over the place at the moment. Aside from anything else, the world is a daunting and unsettled place right now. Throw in our own personal issues and it’s no wonder we’re all seeking help in whatever form we can!

One thing we learnt from the pandemic, is that our homes are not only our safe place, but that they can be adapted to suit many of our other needs too. Homes became schools, offices, gyms, newsrooms, and much, much more. So, it comes as no surprise that one of the biggest wellness trends for 2023 involves staying at home.

Emotional escape rooms are rooms created with the intention of giving you somewhere to go where you can let go of any pent-up emotions. It’s a sanctuary if you like, a safe space for you to deal with your emotions. A room that you can relax and rebalance in, safe in the knowledge that when you leave, you can shut the door on your emotions and feel better equipped to deal with the external world again.

Inspiration is drawn from music, crystals, cosy soft furnishings, massage beds, and anything that aids the senses. Think of an emotional escape room as your home retreat, where you can spend time whenever you feel the need of an outlet.

2. Mindful Menstruation

There’s no denying that menstrual health has come a long way. Don’t get me wrong, there is still plenty of progress for it to make, but we’re getting there, and those baby steps must be celebrated.

Something that came onto our radar recently and that we think is going to be one of the big wellness trends for 2023, is the concept of mindful menstruation. Mindfulness can be applied to almost anything these days, however when associated with menstruation we’re talking about the following:

  • Cycle charts – Tracking our cycle helps educate us in so many ways. Not only does it tell us when we’re likely to get our period, but also what stages of our cycle we are in. And when we know this, we can make the necessary adjustments to our daily plans, how we workout, what food we’re eating, and just generally cut ourselves some slack, and therefore feel much better about ourselves.
  • Symptom management – When you start paying more attention to symptoms, such as cramps, bloating, mood swings etc., you can concentrate on the different ways to manage them. This is about finding solutions to a problem and being open to options.
  • Period care – Mindful menstruation is about showing care and consideration for the period products you use and finding ones that work for you and your body. Whether it’s a menstrual cup, period pants, tampons, or sanitary towels, there is a product out there to suit every body and every flow. If you’re not happy with what you’re currently using, make yourself a promise that in 2023 you will try alternative period products.
  • Body positivity – With menstrual mindfulness comes a greater sense of self-confidence and a clearer understanding of just how amazing the female body is. And when you reach that level of empowerment, your body positivity levels blossom beyond anything you could have ever wished for.

3. Reality Check

Let’s all scream ‘Hallelujah” for this one, because finally someone is talking some sense. Fed up of seeing Photoshopped image relentlessly popping up on your social feeds? Worried about the effect these fake, doctored images are having on your teenage daughters? Forever feeling as though you’re not thin enough, not good enough, not curvy enough, not enough!?! Well, no more, because 2023 is marking the downward spiral of all things fake and we can’t wait.

As we all know, trends come and go, so it was only a matter of time before we started seeing a move towards realism and authenticity. Many of us have suffered the ill effect of poor body image on our mental health. We’ve had enough of feeling like that, and we’ve had enough of exposing ourselves to these images.

The parliamentary health and select committee have recently published a report about the effects of body image on mental health and within that is the suggestion that there should be laws surrounding fake imagery. This is something that Norway has recently put in place, with their newly legislated Retouched Photo Law stating that influencers must legally disclose whether an image has been modified in any way. We believe that 2023 will pave the way for more of these laws, so it’s bye bye fake filter, hello raw realness.

4. Circadian Health

We all know that the right amount of good quality sleep is beneficial for our health, however it is only in recent years that we’ve started to take it more seriously. 2023 will see us paying even more attention to how, when, and where we sleep with more in-depth focus on our circadian sleep cycle.

The circadian sleep cycle is a natural in-built process that regulates our sleep-wake cycle over a period of 24 hours. It is closely connected to light and is the main reason why night shift workers struggle with sleep, as their bodies are having to fight against the natural response to be awake when it’s light and sleep when it’s dark.

The future of sleep lies with technology, ironic really considering how technology is often the very thing that prevents us from getting good sleep. We can use technology to track how we sleep through every part of the sleep cycle and this data can then highlight any points at which the circadian rhythm may be off its natural course. A disturbed rhythm can result in struggling to fall asleep, waking through the night, waking up too early, and other more problematic sleep issues such as, sleep apnoea, sleep paralysis, snoring etc.

By tracking our sleep, we can make adjustments to aid our future sleep. Things like room temperature, exposure to light, exercise, diet, staying away from screens too close to bedtime, introducing a calm bedtime routine, going to bed earlier, all help promote better sleep. And in 2023 we’re going to be far more conscious of how sleep affects our overall sense of health and wellbeing.

5. Self-Settling

There is never anything wrong in self-improvement and wanting to do the best you can in life. However, if we’re being completely honest, we’ve all got a bit sick of hearing phrases like, ‘the best version of you’ and ‘new year, new you’. One of the more relieving wellness trends for 2023 is the concept of self-settling; to settle and to be OK with what you already have.

Self-settling draws on ideas shared by the minimalism trend from a couple of years back, in that less is more and that what we have and what we are is enough. Our aspirations are changing, likely in part as a reaction to the pandemic. We no longer want bigger and better and more; we are happy to settle for what we have. To be content. To be grateful.

And oh does that feel good, right? No more pressure to live up to the expectations of others, no more FOMO, no more listening to that inner critic of yours. This is pure contentment and a realisation that we should be happy to settle for less, because less offers so much more.

6. Quiet Quitting

And finally, we move onto our last wellness trend prediction for 2023, a trend that has also been driven by our post-pandemic mindset. Quiet quitting is basically only doing the work that you are paid to do. So, whereas beforehand we’d had it drummed into us that in order to succeed we must work overtime, do extracurricular work duties, attend events, basically work ourselves silly for no additional pay and without any complain, now we’re realising that none of this is good for our work wellness, and we are finally resisting.

The pandemic encouraged us to work harder. After all, we were working from home, it was easy, we had little else to do, because we couldn’t go out, and there was the genuine fear of being made redundant. And so, we worked, we worked really hard. What this resulted in was burnout; emotional, physical, and mental burnout. At a time when we were already feeling stressed and anxious because of all the uncertainty going on in the world, the extra workload was making us exhausted, and we were left feeling as though we had nothing left to give.

It comes as no surprise really, that when the world started going back to some semblance of normal, our brains were able to gain some clarity on the matter. Why should we do all this extra stuff for free?

Moving forward, quiet quitting will see us being more assertive in our work choices. We will be more likely to refuse jobs we don’t want to do, or to work in conditions that don’t sit right with us. 2023 marks the year of the no person. No longer will we suffer in silence and say yes to everything that is asked of us., we will say no.

There’s no doubt that the pandemic has influenced this years trends. Attitudes have changed and priorities have shifted. Our wellness has never been more important to us.

We can’t wait to see if our predictions for the wellness trends for 2023 come true. What do you think, have we got it spot on, or do you think we’re way off the mark?

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