World’s Greatest Places To Inspire and Help Reconnect With Yourself

In this day and age, when most of us are leading busy lifestyles with very little time for ourselves, it’s easy to lose our sense of identity. And even if you do have time for yourself, sometimes you just simply don’t know what to do with that time. So, if you feel like you need to reconnect with yourself and find some inspiration in order to truly appreciate life again, here are a few places you should visit.


If you’re into meditation, you should consider visiting Thailand. It offers you a chance to enjoy its gorgeous nature, which is perfect for finding inner peace and reconnecting with yourself. There are more than a few meditation and yoga retreats, and one of the best ones is the Paradise Retreat on the beautiful island of Koh Yao Noi. It’s best for people who like forests, hills, and stunning scenery. The accommodation is simple but clean, which enables you to focus on what’s important, and that’s immersing yourself in the surrounding nature. Just keep in mind that the retreat is against killing any living creatures, including mosquitos, so be sure to bring some mosquito repellent and lots of loose-fitting and light-coloured clothing.


If you love connecting with unique nature that doesn’t necessarily include sunny beaches, you should book a trip to Iceland. Experiencing the Aurora Borealis is definitely something that leaves you thinking about the beauty of nature and life in general for a while. Moreover, Iceland is known for its amazing landscapes and fantastic wildlife, which is something that is bound to inspire anybody who comes for a visit. Plus, you can always enjoy a nice hot spring after your long day of reconnecting with nature and yourself.


Holy Isle is a small private island on Scotland’s west coast, and it’s great for all the people who are looking for some peace and quiet. Most of the meditation retreats are located on the north side of the island, where serious practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism are waiting for you. There are many walking paths around the retreat, so if you want to go for a relaxing morning walk, you can be rest assured the fantastic nature will not disappoint. Just be mindful of the island’s ecosystem – there are many species that cannot be found anywhere else in the world, which is why some areas should not be explored on foot.

New Zealand

If you love natural wonders, New Zealand is the perfect destination for you. You can find many walking tours, exploration excursions, and adventure trips that are bound to make you feel more alive. However, if you’re looking for something a bit more peaceful, perhaps you should consider going on a road trip. You can find a good and cheap car rental that would suit your needs, so the only thing left for you to do would be to pack your bags and plan the route. You could then meditate on top of a gorgeous grassy hill, or you could do yoga in one of New Zealand’s many breathtaking botanic gardens. All in all, it’s a great place for learning something new, not just about the local culture, but about yourself as well.


North of San Francisco, you can find a eucalyptus-wooded valley that leads to the Pacific Ocean. California is home to Hollywood and startups that enjoy incentives to start an LLC in California. The valley is home to several meditation centres, and it also has an organic garden where you can learn a lot about different edible plants and beekeeping. There, you can practice a silent type of meditation known as zazen. What’s also great about this place is that you can even stay for months if needed, and there are many organized meditation sessions, educational seminars, and calming tea ceremonies to help you find yourself again. Just keep in mind there aren’t many beginner’s practices, so you’d probably feel more comfortable if you’ve had some meditation experience.


Another great destination for practising mindfulness is Italy. The ancient city of Assisi overlooks an amazing field of olives, which alone is a sight worth seeing. Many meditation sessions are held there – usually in monasteries, near the Cathedral of San Ruffino, or in the surrounding countryside. The type of meditation practised here is the combination of Western and Eastern styles, and the accommodation includes an amazing garden where you can relax, as well as a beautiful terrace with a view.

If you’re looking for something a bit more dynamic but just as inspiring, you should also consider going on a truffle hunt, which you can do if you visit the town of Fiesole. You’d learn about the origin of this expensive treat, and you’d go hunting for it with the special truffle-hunting dog breed, Lagotto Romagnolo. Of course, you’d also have a chance to taste truffles, and you’d have plenty of time for soul searching and enjoying nature.

We all have moments when we feel stuck or lost and could use some time off to reconnect with our inner selves. However, in order to do that you need to surround yourself with tranquillity and nature. Therefore, consider some of the above-listed destinations and be in no doubt that you will find your path once more.

Author Bio

Derek Lotts is a Sydney based writer and researcher, a regular contributor at Smooth Decorator blog. He writes about décor, gardening, recycling, ecology and business. He thinks all of these topics fall under the self-improvement category. He believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the internet to achieve betterment.


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