7 Essentials For Your Meditation Room 

Virginia Woolf once claimed that to write, a woman needs a room of her own. You might not dream of becoming the next Shakespeare, but everyone deserves a place that’s entirely theirs. This principle is doubly true if you engage in the regular practice of meditation.

Meditation helps you accomplish a world of things. You can embark on guided journeys that help you maximize your potential. You can safely explore negative thought patterns and reframe them productively. You can even heal from past trauma. Still, you need a quiet place to accomplish these tasks.

So how do you create that space?

1. Partitions

You might feel like throwing up your hands if you don’t have a dedicated room to use for your practice. However, don’t despair! You can section off part of a space, even if you live in a studio apartment. Use bookcases or foldable screens to provide separation and block out visual distractions.

What about sound, though? After all, it’s challenging to meditate when distracted by the pitter-patter of little feet. A pair of comfortable noise-canceling headphones can help you forget the world and tune into yourself.

2. Water Features

Water is an ancient Chinese symbol of prosperity and abundance. According to feng shui masters, this element represents the flow of chi or vital energy. If you add a fountain or aquarium to your meditation room, some believe you can manifest financial and career success.

This dynamic helps to re-energize you, no matter what your passion is. Did you know only 20% of Americans report feeling passionate about their life’s work? It doesn’t matter if you want to finish your novel or reinvent the mousetrap — a water feature helps unblock the energies holding you back from your dreams.

3. Pillows and Blankets  

Many of us are accustomed to discomfort. Whether it’s a pair of ill-fitting heels or a snug necktie, it’s common to wrestle with the accoutrements of daily life. So much so that 67% of millennial women say a job change is inevitable within the next few years. No wonder the Western world is showing more interest in meditation.

In short, your meditation room is a sanctuary from the world, so you’ll want to make it as cosy as possible. If you find it challenging to sit for extended periods, surround yourself with soft pillows and blankets to ensure you can recline during your practice. If you have hard flooring, a cushioned mat can protect your delicate joints.

4. Proper Lighting 

You might not notice the hum of fluorescent lights during the workday, but when you’re sitting quietly in meditation, it can sound like cicadas. Fortunately, you can invest in compact fluorescent or LED bulbs to quiet the noise.

If you prefer, you can use candles to illuminate your meditation space, but use caution. Some release harmful toxins into the air, and falling asleep near a lit flame can spell disaster. You can always use battery-operated versions for the same ambiance without the danger.

5. Aromatherapy 

“Breathe in deeply for a count of four, then pause at the top, basking in the aroma of dirty dishes,” said no meditation coach ever. Meditation looks like doing nothing, but it works your mind and spirit. Keep your physical senses pleased with the help of aromatherapy.

The right scent depends upon your intent. If you’re meditating to increase focus and drive, eucalyptus and orange will invigorate you. If you’re trying to wind down before bed, a few drops of lavender and chamomile are calming. Keep in mind that some scents, such as citrus, peppermint and tea tree, are poisonous to animals, meaning you might want to consult with your vet about safe use.

6. Mood Music 

Unless you’re tuning into your headphones, you’ll need a sound system. Since meditation is a quiet activity, even when you listen to a guided recording, you might not need massive bass speakers.

However, invest in Bluetooth speakers for your cellphone so that you can enjoy relaxing spa songs while you practice.

7. Sentimental Items

No meditation space is complete without things that personalize it. It doesn’t matter if you bring in your favourite houseplants or photos of your children. Even comfort objects like a stuffed toy can help you heal.

It doesn’t matter what you decorate with — a string of fairy lights or a framed picture of your mum — as long as it makes you smile when you enter your retreat.

Create a Comfortable Space

You don’t need to drop a small bankroll escaping to India or Tibet to meditate. You can create a sacred space right in the privacy of your own home.

Author Bio

Dylan Bartlett blogs about health and wellness on his site, Just a Regular Guide. Follow him on Twitter @theregularguide for frequent updates on his work!

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