Whether you’ve done your Christmas shopping online or ventured out onto the high street, I’m fairly certain you’re aching right now, yeah? I mean, those heavy bags don’t carry themselves and RSI from relentlessly inputting credit card numbers is a serious thing, so door 21 on the Art of Healthy Living Advent Calendar is going to do something about it!
Yep, today we want you to go for a massage 🙂
With just 4 days to go until Christmas now is the ideal time to get a bit of festive pampering in…whilst you still have the chance! No matter which type you go for, massage is the perfect solution to the knots, aches, pains and tensions that can go hand in hand with Christmas. However, it’s not just for physical gain, massage is a great mental stress reliever too and will help chill you out in time for any of those potential family clashes.
It’s so important to make time for yourself; many of us are so caught up in looking after others that we really do forget about ourselves, and going for a massage is basically like treating yourself to a body reset and will have you firing on all cylinders again in no time.
Remember to check back tomorrow to see what’s behind door 22 of the Art of Healthy Living Advent Calendar.
Missed Day 20? Click here for yesterday’s door.
We’d love to hear what type of massage you went for today, so please get in touch!
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