Resolutions for 2016 #31

In 2016 we will… Control our anger. We all have moments of anger, we wouldn’t be human of we didn’t, but some of us…

Resolutions for 2016 #30

In 2016 we will… Believe in ourselves. Self belief is arguably one of the most difficult things a human can learn to do. For…

Resolutions for 2016 #29

In 2016 we will… Do more gardening. This is a resolution that will benefit both your health and your garden. Now, I know winter…

Resolutions for 2016 #28

In 2016 we will… Stop biting our nails! OK I confess, I am a nail biter. Every year I make the same resolution to…

Resolutions for 2016 #27

In 2016 we will… Check our moles! All of us have moles, but ask yourself this – how often, if ever, do you check…

Resolutions for 2016 #26

In 2016 we will… Practice mindful eating. First things first, what is mindful eating? Let’s put it in context… You know when you’ve had…

Tall glass filled with water sat on a table

Resolutions for 2016 #25

In 2016 we will… Drink more water. Water is by far the healthiest drink for us and without it humans, animals, plants and in…

Resolutions for 2016 #24

In 2016 we will… Have more sex! Given half the chance, most of us would say we don’t need that much encouragement to get…

Resolutions for 2016 #23

In 2016 we will… Check the sell by dates! If you’re anything like me, your kitchen cupboards will be absolutely jam packed with tins,…

Resolutions for 2016 #22

In 2016 we will… Manage stress better.   Stress is something that affects us all at some point in our lives. It’s something that’s…