Lumity Life Anti Ageing Supplements Review

I’ve always had problem hair, skin and nails. My hair is thin but wavy and coarse, my nails are brittle and weak, and my skin is both greasy and dry all at the same time and never without some form of blemish. I’m not really one for fancy lotions and potions and I’ve never taken any supplements for it, despite finding out from a health DNA test I took a few years back that I’m lacking in certain vitamins and minerals. I guess I’m just one of life’s lazy girls when it comes to health and beauty.

When I was given the opportunity to try out a months supply of Lumity Life supplements I was intrigued, especially after reading that the likes of Cheryl Cole/Tweedy/whatever name she goes by these days and Yasmin Le Bon swear by them, and they both have amazing hair and skin. I mean I don’t wanna completely fall for something hook line and sinker, but I’d quite like a bit of that, ya know! And ever a sucker for a lush looking product – perfect Insta-fodder – I was only too happy to oblige.

So come with me as I embark on a month long journey to see what all the hype is about…

What’s In Lumity Life Female Supplements?

Unlike bog-standard supplements where you pop one or two pills of a morning every day, Lumity works on a combination of different morning and night time formulas to give you what you need at the right time. So for example, the morning supplements contain all your skin friendly, anti-ageing vitamins like A, D3, E, and C and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, selenium and iodine etc., which are really important minerals for women as they get older. Whack in some omegas, aminos and other essential nutrients into your night time soft gels and all of a sudden you’ve got yourself a complete supplementary system that should complement and work alongside your body to make you feel the best you can. And right about now, I kinda feel like we could all do with a bit of assistance after the rubbish 2020 has thrown at us so far!

What The Supplements Help With?

The product is marketed as an all round female health supplement and I would say is aimed at women who are 40 plus. After all, that’s when us ladies start to notice the changes, I know that was the turning point for me anyway. Many women experience perimenopausal symptoms as they enter their 40s. Our hormones go rife and this brings about changes to our skin, hair, our weight, our energy levels and just generally how we feel about ourselves.

If you go onto the Lumity Life website they state that these supplements will help with the following:

  • Healthy skin, nails and hair
  • Strengthen joints, muscles and teeth
  • Protect against oxidative stress (the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body)
  • Metabolism
  • Absorption (the speed at which the supplements are absorbed)
  • Energy
  • Brain health
  • Immune support

Now obviously, improvements won’t happen overnight, it would be a dream come true if they did, but this is real life and change takes time. I had a months supply to try out and in reality you’d need more than that to see any marked improvements. Cynics may also argue why take a supplement when changes could perhaps be made to diet and fitness first, which to an extent I agree with. But do you realise how difficult it is to get absolutely everything you need, in the quantity you need from food alone. Not to mention the time and commitment it would take to work it all out. It’s a nightmare. A nightmare that I for one cannot be doing with. I love a bit of meal planning, but not to the extent of working out the exact nutritional content of my food and I’m certainly not up for working out a personalised nutrition plan for every family member. It’s difficult enough when one kid moans about onion in the bolognaise without having to plan and make a bespoke menu!

I believe in getting as much nutrition from food as possible, but supplementing if needed. And right now I do need it, I mean I’m not getting any younger and I could do with a bit of healthy ageing support as much as the next woman.

How Do I Take Them?

Three in the morning, three at night, not gonna lie it’s a lot especially if you’re someone like me who isn’t the best at swallowing pills without gagging. The good news though is they’re soft gels so they do slide down a bit easier. I absolutely love that the packaging and the colour of the pill reflects what you should be taking when. The daytime supplement is a burnt orange (like the sun) and has a sun on the bottle, and the night supplement is white (like the moon) with an image of the moon on the bottle. It’s such a simple touch, but shows that thought has gone into it and it did genuinely help me when taking them. Part of the issue with taking supplements is the remembering and it’s features like this that help embed a habit.

Lumity Life offer a range of different options when it comes to buying their products. Ranging from one month’s supply for £65 which gets you 84 day and 84 night soft gels, to three month’s supply for £180, which gets you 252 day and 252 night soft gels  (this is what you probably need to go for to see a real improvement) they also have the option of a discounted rate if you sign up to their subscription service. They’ve certainly gone out of their way in terms of helping to remind you to keep on taking them.

Did Lumity Life Supplements Work For Me?

So let’s get real here for a moment, there isn’t a product out there that will sort you out in the space of a month, and I for one ain’t going to try and convince you otherwise. That being said, I have noticed some improvements since I’ve started taking the Lumity Life supplements.

My nails have definitely got stronger; they’re no longer breaking or splitting and I can’t remember the last time they’ve been this healthy. My hair? Well my hair is a law unto itself and I think I would need a blinkin’ miracle to be sporting luscious, shiny, bouncy locks anytime soon, supplements or no supplements!

As for my skin, well look I know from an outsider point of view looking at my before and after photos below it doesn’t look as though much has changed. But you know your own skin right? And sure whilst there hasn’t been any life changing, ground breaking, substantial changes, there have definitely been some. I am a naturally spotty person and this worsens around the time of my period. I have still been getting spots, but they have changed. I’ve no longer been getting those awful boil like spots that flare up under the surface and stick around for days. Instead the spots I have had, and there have definitely been less of them, have been smaller, way easier to manage, and they clear up a lot quicker. In fact the rate at which my skin repairs itself post spot has increased significantly since taking the supplements. My skin is a mess so it’ll take more than a months worth of pills to sort it out entirely and even then who knows whether that would be enough. If they weren’t so costly then sure yes I’d probably keep taking them, but without a guarantee that it would definitely work then I just ain’t willing to commit.

These supplements are also geared towards improving immunity and increasing energy and concentration levels, though if I’m being entirely honest I haven’t noticed any changes in these areas. But let’s not forget we are in the middle of a pandemic, these are not normal circumstances. Stress levels are higher than usual, consumption of sugary foods and alcohol are higher than ever and so this combined with the usual hormonal flare ups and a somewhat slack beauty routine means these supplements have got their work cut out.

If I had the willpower I’d be drinking the right amount of water each day, eating lovely plates of healthy, colourful, rainbow food and doing regular weekly home spa sessions… but I just ain’t that kind of girl. I’m beauty lazy. Taking supplements, when literally the only thing I have to do is remember to take three every morning and night, well that is my kind of beauty regime.

I personally think the biggest test will be when I stop taking them – I’ve got about 3 days worth left. Will I then notice the changes, will my skin worsen, will my nails weaken again? It will be really interesting and I’ll be sure to update you all over on my social media accounts.

To summarise here are my personal pros and cons of the Lumity Life anti ageing supplements:


  • Stronger nails
  • Improved skin quality
  • High quality product
  • Backed by science
  • Beautiful packaging


  • Expensive
  • 6 tablets a day feels like a lot of pills to be popping
  • Make sure you hold your nose when you open the bottle – they stink!
  • Remembering to take them
  • You need to take them for a while to really see the benefits.

Follow me on social media for more updates

Since this monthly trial, Lumity Life have been in touch to say they’d like me to continue with a further 2 months worth of supplements in order for me to really notice a difference. I’ll be updating my progress on my social media pages so please keep a look out on there to see how I get on.

Facebook – @thisishealthyliving

Twitter – @ArtHealthLiving

Instagram – @arthealthyliving

*paid and gifted collaboration

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