Ways To Save Water At Home To Help Save The Planet

Close up of a leaky tap

The average person in the UK uses 140 litres of water every day. Combine this with the amount of water lost through leaky pipes, climate change and our ever-growing population it is estimated that by the year 2050 most of England will experience significant water shortages.

It is and continues to be a problem. However, while there’s not much we can do about leaks from underground water pipes (these account for 3 billion litres of wasted water) there are some things we can do to help conserve our water supplies.

Here are just a few of the simple changes you can make to help out the planet by lowering water consumption in your household:

Re-Use Your Cooking Water

When we cook vegetables or pasta most of us drain the water over the sink and that cooking water is gone. But what a waste! Water that has been used to cook vegetables can be drained into a saucepan and then kept for use in smoothies or as the base of a soup. You have essentially created a vegetable stock and it will contain lots of healthy vitamins and minerals that have leaked out of the vegetables during the cooking process. And pasta water can be collected and then when cooled can be used to water plants.

These are just a few of the ways we can all help save water in our homes. Simple, easy to put in place and yet enough to make a significant impact upon the future of our planet.

*collaborative post

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