What Games Can You Play While Drinking With Your Girlfriend?

Staying connected is vital for couples in long distance relationships. But the usual video chat catch-up sessions about your days can start feeling repetitive. Mixing up virtual date nights by playing amusing drinking games together helps ignite playfulness and laughter – no matter how many miles lie between you and bae.

The best boozy activities for long distance couples keep the spark alive through friendly competition, adventurous prompts and personalized attention instead of just staring solo at your own screens. From thoughtful card questions to hysterical verbal showdowns, inject major amusement into video chat hangouts with these best online couple drinking games to play virtually with your partner:

Conversation Sparking Questions

Asking lighthearted questions and sharing stories over drinks helps you continue discovering things about each other – even if you’ve already been together forever. Spark deeper bonding fueled by good talks…and good drinks!

1. We’re Not Really Strangers Drinking Edition  

How It Works: This card game features three levels of questions tailored for relationships covering inner thoughts, values and self-reflection. Video chat while taking turns drawing prompts to answer then sipping your drinks before posing the next question.

What You’ll Need:

– We’re Not Really Strangers card deck

– Your devices on FaceTime/Zoom call

– Cocktails, wine or drink mixes of choice

2. Table Topics Long Distance Edition

How It Works: With 120 questions made specifically for LDR couples about trust, intimacy and communication, these prompt cards ignite laughs and maybe some realizations. Pick questions back and forth while enjoying your drinks over video chat!

What You’ll Need:

– Table Topics Long Distance card deck

– Your devices on a video call

– Beer, cider, wine or cocktails nearby

3. The And Couples Edition 

How It Works: Created just for romantic partners, this game alternates between thoughtful questions and lively challenges personalized to your relationship. Discover new things about each other between virtual drinks and dares!

What You’ll Need:

– The And card deck

– Your tablets/phones on a video platform

– Preferred drinks to sip on

Pop Culture Showdown Games

For couples who binge watch series together from afar, channel favorite TV shows into trivia battles and rap showdowns fueled by drinks. Embrace your inner fangirls!

4. That’s What She Said Game  

How It Works: This game transforms series like The Office into a raunchy drinking battle. Players interject the iconic phrase “that’s what she said” on cue cards. First to cause their partner to laugh spitting out drinks wins!

What You’ll Need:

– That’s What She Said game cards

– Your devices on FaceTime/Zoom

– Wine, beer, cocktails nearby

5. Horsepaste App

How It Works: Settle the score on best pop culture puns and innuendos by facing off in booze-fueled rap battles! Freestyle to absurd auto-generated word cues and see who drops the wittiest bars that leave your lover laughing.

What You’ll Need:

– Horsepaste app downloaded

– Your phones on FaceTime/Zoom

– His and hers shots lined up

Interactive Party Challenges

Bring the essence of beloved games like beer pong and flip cup into virtual date nights through futuristic functions and video chat platforms. Get flirty from afar with these lively long distance drinking challenges:

6. Virtual Beer Pong  

How It Works: Relive this throwback as you tap screens to toss balls and sink them into solo cups on your partner’s device. Each time you nail it, they drink! See who can rack up the most crossover shots.

What You’ll Need:

– iPong app

– Your tablets/phones on video call

– Partner has beer, cocktails on standby

7. Flip Cup Long Distance Style  

How It Works: College throwback flip cup gets a digital upgrade. Set up devices on opposite ends then race sliding fingers to flip virtual red cups from screen to screen. First to send a successful flip to their partner’s device wins!

What You’ll Need:

– Flip Cup Online app

– Your phones/tablets on video chat

– Drinks nearby to shotgun

8. Drunk Drawasaurus

How It Works: One partner privately sketches a word or phrase then describes it using vague clues for their lover to illustrate on their own device. Reveal artistic interpretations and vote on the funniest drawings!

What You’ll Need:

– Drawasaurus app downloaded

– Drawing paper and utensils nearby

– Glass of wine, beer, cocktails nearby

Fun Knows No Distance  

Trying new drinking games virtually makes long distance movie nights way more lively while bringing you closer through playful interaction. As the drinks lead to silliness, inside jokes, and video chat snuggles, the buzz simply elevates the fondness.

So spark lively conversation over intimate questions, gear up for pop culture showdowns, or recreate old fashioned flip cup from afar. Just set up your devices and drink spreads nearby to embrace the wonderful world of virtual drinking games with your special someone miles away!

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