What Not To Do If You Want Someone To Stop Smoking

There is nothing worse than having someone around you in your life that is hurting themselves – and there’s nothing that you can do about it. If you have tried to get a loved one to stop smoking, you’re going to be up against one of the biggest challenges of your life. It’s not easy to ask someone close to you to quit a habit that’s difficult to break anyway. Smoking can cause a lot of damage to the skin, teeth, lungs and more, and you want to know that you have at least tried everything to ask them to stop.

A habit is not easy to break, and while there are E liquids and e cigarettes to ask them to try, you may not be well-received. Smoking is addictive, and understanding that is a big deal. You need to flip this on its head; it’s about loving the smoker as much as possible rather than shining hate on the smoking itself. It’s physically and emotionally addictive, and it’s not about you. It’s vital that you understand this if you want to stop your close loved one from smoking. So, with this in mind, here are a few things NOT to do if you want your loved one to stop smoking.

Don’t Give Up

It’s not something that you want to do to nag someone that you love, but you also shouldn’t give up on it. There is a fine line between being a nag and being a friend who is looking out for someone else. That doesn’t mean that you should give up on asking them to stop smoking; they are someone that you love and you want them to be as healthy as possible. Be there, but don’t be a nag and don’t push them and push them so that it causes an argument.

Don’t Demand

It’s tempting to say that there is an ultimatum and that they have to stop smoking “or else”, but this is a good way to push someone away that loves you and who you love. Don’t do this. Be there, be with them and ensure that they know that you are there for them no matter what. Making demands just makes other people fight against you, and you want their cooperation!

Don’t Talk Down To Them

Someone in your life who is smoking is not a child; they’re a grown adult and they deserve your calm respect. Talk to them with concern and empathy, offer advice and help and avenues to give up this addiction. They’re going to be finding the entire idea hard enough as it is: so don’t talk down to them!

Don’t Be Angry

Being angry in your efforts to stop your loved one from smoking isn’t going to help anyone and it just makes the whole situation one big confrontation. Avoid this by ensuring that you are calm, peaceful when you approach and are ready to talk calmly and maturely. Anger raises barriers; don’t go angry! This is your chance to explain your feelings and being defensive and angry doesn’t help.

*collaborative post

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