Psychological fitness of individuals is a hot topic these days. With famous names like Robin Williams and Kate Spade giving up their lives, it is a subject that has created quite a stir. More people are interested in finding out the reasons behind such stories. Gone are the days when society associated stigma around mental health. Voices aren’t hushed anymore. And people do not shut individuals with a mental health condition out of the social circles. Thanks to advancements in education and awareness, communities have started to understand the devastating impact of psychological illness.
Facts like one in four people being affected by mental health at some point compel people to increase their awareness on the subject. Besides, the influx of school shooting incidents during the past year also prove this fact. Although the government and institutions are playing their due part in addressing this issue, it is about time that we, as individuals start playing our roles, too.
Here are some other reasons why you should be concerned about mental health:
Mental Disorders Affect Your Physical Health
Poor mental health can lead to an increased risk of physical disorders. For instance, a study discovered that people with high levels of self-rated distress were 32% more prone to dying from cancer. Some other studies show people living with schizophrenia have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Many schizophrenic patients experience hip fractures once in their lifetime.
The reason behind deteriorating physical state of psychological patients is their inability to receive medical services. Due to their unawareness, they do not pay due attention to things like consulting doctors or going for routine checkups. The people living with a mental disorder are also unaware of the basics. They may neglect their diets and overlook healthy habits. All of this combines to make them more susceptible to infections and diseases.
Shifting Perceptions Increase Mental Pressures
As the world around us gets more demanding, each of us needs to race ahead. The world pushes us to our limits every day. Whether its education, job or adjusting into social circles, we have to make sure that we perform best at everything.
Even though it is okay to worry about having a purpose in life, it must not overwhelm your mental wellbeing. The article How Finding a Purpose in Life Affects Your Mental Health aptly states that a purpose is inextricably linked with our wellbeing, and devoting more time to finding that inner path of happiness may be the key to emotional and mental health.
This brings about a wave of mental pressure on each of us. The fear of losing out keeps individuals on their toes. Any setback in either of the fields is bound to bring feelings of guilt and failure. This, in turn, causes a person to become prone to mental disorders.
Lifestyle Changes Impact Mental Health
Unlike previous times, people nowadays are switching to unhealthy habits with greater intensity. Smoking, drinking, fast food consumption, and lack of exercise are a bunch of habits that most of us employ. There is little consideration of their impact on our physical bodies, let alone, the mental structures. We’re more stressed, which leads to our other emotions becoming more heightened too. Perhaps you feel as though you are more tearful these days, or perhaps you have developed a shorter fuse and you struggle to deal with your anger more so than you used to. If this is the case, it can be helpful to do an anger issues test to highlight where your problems lie and what causes you that particular emotion.
Studies by German and Chinese researchers prove the fact that change of lifestyle is an important factor that brings about mental disorders. They discovered that some healthy lifestyle changes like physical activities and non-smoking for over a year could improve mental health. You can deal with depression, anxiety, and anger issues if you get yourself into the habit of physical exercise. However, this does not mean that these are the only solutions. You must also seek therapy from professional service providers.
Mental Illnesses Can Bring Poverty Issues
People with symptoms of dementia or any other mental troubles have low productivity. Initially, these people may show less interest in educational and recreational activities. As time passes, their mental troubles begin to escalate. Along with this, there is a lack of support from insurance for such people. It increases their chance of falling into poverty.
Studies reveal that millions of US workers with mental disabilities would lose or fail to find an eligible work opportunity. These individuals will be suffering on their own, but there is a larger picture to consider, as well. It means that the United States will be losing 5 to 6 million brains from achieving their full potential. This is bound to create an impact on the economy. Their families rely on the government for financial assistance. Plus, it is also a fact that mental health problems cost countries 3 to 4 percent of their GNP.
Technology Is Taking Over Human Lives
It is not a secret how technology is overtaking the lives of the masses. People spend countless hours surfing around on the internet and communicating with other people across the globe. Not only that, but there is an easy way to perform daily tasks.
Where all of this is making our lives simpler, it also tags along with mental pressures. You have to make sure you stay on top of things. There is no chance of errors, and people expect the best of you in all instances. Consequently, this causes an increased burden on individuals. There are more occurrences of mental disorders and psychological pressures. Any failure or mishap results in the person blaming themselves. Under these circumstances, you must be careful about your mental health.
Struggling and competing at a certain extent is good for health. But make sure it does not take over your lives.
Closing Thoughts
This life journey is a long and winding road. The transition of times has brought about countless changes in the life of an average person. It is affecting people of all ages, nationalities, and culture. This is the reason why mental health has become a global issue. We must tackle it through mental and physical interventions. Who knows we could be the next victim?
Author Bio
Alycia Gordan is a freelance writer who loves to read and write articles on healthcare technology, fitness and lifestyle. She is a tech junkie and divides her time between travel and writing. You can find her on Twitter: @meetalycia