Art of Healthy Living Advent Calendar – Day 2

It’s Friday, which means only one thing…


So what better day than today to pop on your apron, turn that radio up loud and channel your inner Mary Berry by seriously getting your bake on! Day 2 of our advent calendar invites you to create something scrummy in your kitchen so that you’ve got a tasty treat to eat over the weekend.

Taking the time to make food from scratch, particularly if it’s something yummy, is incredibly therapeutic, so if you’ve had a stressful week it can be just the thing you need to unwind for the weekend. Whether it’s cakes, biscuits, soup, a pie or a winter warming stew, food that has been made at home with good quality ingredients (rather than removed from a packet) is not only so much better for you, but it is also so much more satisfying and tasty too.

Why not get the family involved?

Cooking together helps children understand food and often results in them willing to try a lot more different things and has been proven to reduce the risk of developing issues with food in later life. It is also an incredibly social activity to do with your partner, as it allows you to chat more freely as well as making cooking feel like less of a chore.

Remember to check back tomorrow to see what’s behind door 3 of the Art of Healthy Living Advent Calendar.

Missed Day 1? Click here for yesterday’s door.

We’d love to hear what you baked today so please get in touch!

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