Create A Youthful Look With Basic Beauty Tips

There are natural ways you can look younger without resorting to cosmetic surgery or treatments. It’s important to embrace your age with confidence and not to be ashamed of getting older. That being said, there are some simple things you can do each day in order to have fresher, younger-looking skin and hair. Here are our basic beauty tips to help you create a youthful look:


One thing that is a major external cause of aging, is too much sun. You want to be getting a little vitamin D each day, but without overdoing it. Always wear sunscreen. Apply a high factor to your face and neck every time you go out during the day. If you like sun-bathing, sunscreen helps you to get a more even and longer-lasting tan, so keep applying.

Stick to a simple skincare routine. Wash your face twice a day and then moisturise. You shouldn’t over wash as this could dry out your skin. You might consider investing in a facial cleansing brush which have been very popular recently and will give your face a deep clean. Don’t forget to wash the brush thoroughly after each wash and replace the head about every month or so.

With moisturiser, it’s a good idea to go with a product you can trust, so it is worth spending a little more money. Look for something based on natural ingredients. CBD Skincare is trending at the moment as it has many properties such as anti-aging and anti-inflammatory. Choose a moisturiser with an SPF as well and this can double up as sunscreen. Many people have particular brands they prefer so don’t be afraid to shop around until you find one you like. The essential trio are day cream, night cream, and retinol cream. You don’t need to apply more than that as this would be overkill unless you have a particular skin condition, then it’s best to see a dermatologist first.


Create thick eyebrows with a soft pencil, a powder or a combination of both. Thicker eyebrows give a more youthful look and are trending at the moment. Layer your mascara as well, use one for volume and another for length at the ends, giving you more dramatic and flirty lashes. Have a look around depending on your budget, for the best mascara for you. Avoid dark lines so only use softer colours for eyeliner or lip liner. Black will make your eyes look smaller and creates a harsh effect. For the lip liner, a beige lip liner pencil can do the trick of adding color to the lips yet leaving it looking natural and youthful.

Don’t go for matte foundations as they will create the opposite effect you want as they tend to stick to your skin like paint and wrinkles will appear more like cracks. Go for a smoother, non-greasy formula, or a moisturising foundation. Apply blusher as well but stick to pink or peach tones, this will give your face a youthful glow. When applying blusher use the smile and swoosh technique to help you accentuate the right part of your cheeks. Use an illuminator as well which will also help to make your skin glow.


If you get your hair coloured, opt for warmer hair tones that won’t resemble grey. Keep your hair up in a ponytail more often for a youthful, trendy look. You can get any haircut you like to suit your features, but things like layers and a long fringe are good anti-aging tactics. When washing your hair use a good conditioner and afterwards, give it a cold rinse. This helps to lock in moisture.

Wellness Routine

Looking younger is not only reliant on “magic” products, but also your lifestyle can have a huge impact on how old you look. It’s important to maintain a healthy routine with sleeping and exercising. Make sure you sleep well every night and if you have any problems sleeping, seek professional advice. Beauty sleep is not a myth.

Try to do a combination of different types of exercise. Aim to get in 30mins of cardio five days a week and complement it with toning or strengthening exercises. If you have gotten into a bit of a rut with your exercise routine, try something new to spice things up. See what classes are available at your local fitness centre, or for those of you who are too busy to get to the gym, check out some online yoga tutorials for instance.

Keep track of your diet as well. Make sure you get a balanced diet which includes, protein, carbs, fruits, vegetables, and grains. Don’t under-eat or follow fad diets which could leave you fatigued. You need an abundance of energy to pull off that youthful look!

close up of half of a woman's face. Her eyes are closed and her lond brown hair is spread out to the side of her head on a white background. Shae has two red petals in the shape of hearts on her face, one on her cheek and one on her forehead. The images represents the health and wellness trends emerging for women in 2020

*collaborative post

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