Hungry Squirrel Nut Butter Review

4 jars of Hungry Squirrel Nut butter stacked in pairs.

Peanut butter has come a long way since the days of squashed school lunchbox Sunpat sandwiches made from white bread and which always had a way of sticking to the roof of your mouth. Besides the fact that these days you’d be hard pushed to get anything that’s come within sniffing distance of a peanut past the school gates, peanut butter has got all grown up and posh – and we can’t get enough of it!

And it’s not just peanut butter, oh no, nowadays you can get nut butter made out of any nut you damn well please. Almond, cashew, macadamia, brazil, pecan, pistachio, seriously they’re all at it and they have been rocking our foodie worlds right up. However, with the arrival of all these new nut butter products it has made the job of the consumer a rather difficult one. Which product do you go for? Which nut butter tastes the best? Which one has the healthiest ingredients?

Ultimately it’s about reading the labels, as there are lots of nut butter products out there that contain for instance: added sugars, palm oil or artificial flavours and you need to base your decision on whether this is a problem for you or not. There are however, plenty of ‘pure’ nut butters available that keep it simple, natural, and that taste exactly how you would expect blitzed up nuts to taste.

I came across Hungry Squirrel nut butters on Twitter a couple of months ago and so I asked whether they would be able to send me a selection of their nut butters to try out and to use in a couple of my recipes. All of their nut butters are completely natural vegan friendly products and contain no refined sugars, palm oil or artificial flavourings. I like to imagine that they’re produced by a gang of industrious squirrels in some room in the middle of the woods, like the ones in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory you know… sorting the bad nuts out from the good nuts, but hey that’s just me. Turns out they’re actually made in Deeside in Scotland by two mums, but there’s no less squirreling going on I bet – I’m a mum too and I know just how hardworking us mums can be!

Anyway let’s get down to business and see what these nut butters taste like, ‘cos that’s the most important thing right 😉

Positively Peanut

This is literally made from just peanuts, yep you heard me, 100% peanuts that have been roasted ands then ground with a bit of sea salt – OK so maybe it’s 99.9% peanuts, but you get the gist! I absolutely love a peanut butter and strawberry jam covered toasted sesame bagel for my breakfast and this nut butter has become my go to nut butter of choice. It spreads like an absolute dream and somehow manages to be both smooth and crunchy all at the same time – how do they do that!?!?! Creamy, light, moreish, it tastes like peanuts should taste.

Crunchy ABC Mix

This is the über nutty one, the gritty, get in your teeth one, the award winning crunchy blend of your nutty ABC’s – that’s Almonds, Brazil nuts and Cashew nuts by the way. I used a whole 150g jar of this in my Nutter Butter Flapjacks and they have seriously never tasted so good!

Absolutely Almond

Californian almonds, slow roasted and ground some sea salt, just plain and simple good quality nut butter. Just plain and simple good quality nut butter. Gorgeous earthy taste, smooth yet flecked with texture, yum on every level.

Maple Pecan

Show me a jar of nut butter with the words maple and pecan in the title and you’ve got my attention for sure. The maple is lush and pecans are my absolute fave of all nuts and this seriously does not disappoint. This is a real stick your finger in the jar and go for your life nut butter and spread on a slice of homemade banana bread… oh my days where has this been all my life!

I also used a big old spoonful of this in my Pecan Pie Popcorn Smoothie recipe which you have GOT to try – soooooooooo good!

Each 150g jar of Hungry Squirrel nut butter costs £5 and is available to buy from the Hungry Squirrel online store.

*products gifted for review.

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