Extracts From My First Teenage Diary – February 1992

Welcome back to my first ever teenage diary. I only filled in three months worth so after this one there’s only one more lot to go (you’ll be pleased to hear!) Like last month, I have added in some bold annotations from modern me, just to spice things up a bit. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Saturday 1st February

Dumbo (guineapig – had large grey ears) died today (it’s OK, I’m sure you’ll be thinking about getting another one tomorrow…. Hammie who?). Truffle is the only one left from that family and even he doesn’t look too good.

Sunday 2nd February

I wore my pyjamas all day (lazy oik)

Monday 3rd February

Today was the day of the funeral (my Great Aunty Vi, not the guineapigs!) and me and A went to Grandad’s. They gave me 3 pounds and I started a puzzle. I didn’t go to school.

Tuesday 4th February

I didn’t go to school today. I did my birds and butterflies puzzle, but haven’t finished yet. I wanted to watch Quantum Leap (oh boy!) but we have to have Murder Squad.

Wednesday 5th February

Tomorrow I’m going back to school even though I still have a little bit of a cold (ah finally an explanation as to why I’ve been off school – thought for a while it might have been because I was in mourning!)  I finished the puzzle and then I broke it and put it away (woah hold on there you crazy cat, I can’t take all this excitement!)

Thursday 6th February

Today I went back to school. It wasn’t brilliant because all my friends were whispering about me and calling me toff and MP (answers on a postcard if you have any clue what this might stand for?)

Friday 7th February

I played on the computers at lunch and Maths today. In Art, Kim and Sabrina had an argument, but they made up in the end.

Saturday 8th February

Kim called for me today and it was really boring. I’m going to try and wriggle out of going tomorrow, I’ve got better things to do (what like jigsaw puzzles?!?!)

Sunday 9th February

Managed to wriggle out of going with Kim (thank fuck for that, those jigsaw puzzles don’t make themselves!)

Monday 10th February

I had to go to the dentist to have my brace tightened and it bloomin’ well hurts. I missed one lesson of IS which was OK.

Tuesday 11th February

Today I had PE and I fell backwards off of the buck. I hurt my wrist and back. I also hurt my nail by bending it back, it bled.

Wednesday 12th February

Had HE today and next time I’m making Coconut Crunch Jacks and Beans and Meatballs (presumably not together!). I’m doing it in the microwave (hold the press…. a microwave!!! What is this device you speak of!?!?)

Thursday 13th February

I got 20 out of 25 in a Maths test today. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I won’t be getting any cards (mini violin). Oh by the way…. Hi Mum!

Friday 14th February

I was right, I got no Valentine’s cards. Claudia got chocolates and a card. She showed them on the bus, which I thought was really nice (oh well good for Claudia).

Saturday 15th February

I have got another horrible cold again. Earache, cough, you name it, I’ve got it.

Sunday 16th February

Mum says my glands have swollen.

Monday 17th February

I stayed off school today, but Mum says I have to go back tomorrow (I bet she did!). I don’t want to because we have Music and on Wednesday she says I have to do PE.

Tuesday 18th February

I stayed off school because I started crying that I didn’t want to go to school (sympathy card, nice work!) I had awful earache and Mum phoned the doctors. I’m going tomorrow.

Wednesday 19th February

Went to the doctors and he said I had a virus. I’ve got some medicine, which is banana flavour (remember that delightful stuff?). I’ve got a horrible cough.

Thursday 20th February

Today I lent Kim one of my books and I wish I hadn’t. She came round to see how I was and I was bored. I didn’t know how to get rid of her (coughing on her probs would’ve helped).

Friday 21st February

Went shopping today, it was really boring. Mum says when A is at Grittleton we can go into Bath on the train so I can spend my £150. Kim hasn’t given my book back yet (jeez give the girl a chance to read it will ya!)

Saturday 22nd February

I spent most of the day by myself. I haven’t got my book back yet (get over it!) A kissed Bethan 3 times on the lips – love.

Sunday 23rd February

Dad says I can send my story to a publishers.

Monday 24th February

Haven’t got my book yet! Mum says on Wednesday we might be able to go ice-skating. I beat A 7-5 while we were playing hockey, I made 2 sock puppets (Christ, it’s a laugh a minute ain’t it!)

Tuesday 25th February

On Dad’s birthday we’re going bowling and having a Chinese.  I’m getting him a bottle of aftershave. I haven’t got my book back and I’m beginning to worry (beginning!!!)

Wednesday 26th February

Went ice-skating today at the Link Centre. It wasn’t that good because it was very busy and I had a headache. I had a burger, which was nice.

Thursday 27th February

Went in to town today. I bought Dad some aftershave and a Yorkie (classic dad present) and I bought myself a book called ‘The Babysitter’. Kim hasn’t given me back my book, she’s not here!

Friday 28th February

Dad’s birthday. We went ten pin bowling and for once I didn’t lose. That’s only because A wasn’t playing. I got a watch and it’s really nice.

Saturday 29th February

Bought Truffle in today. I thought he was going to die, but he seems to be getting better. I hope he lives. Haven’t got my book.

Come back next month for the final thrilling instalment of my 1992 teenage diary.

*all names in my teenage diary have been changed to protect the not so innocent.

Love this? Then why not have a read of my 1993 and 1994 teenage diary!


Author Bio

Becky Stafferton is a full time blogger over on her website The Art of Healthy Living, mum of 2 and certified Queen of the hashtags. She continually strives to promote a realistic, sustainable and positive image of how to lead a healthy life. When she’s not writing or reading her teenage diary she can be found swigging Prosecco from the bottle, running through muddy puddles, making lists of lists, having a good old moan, scoffing flapjacks and squatting like her life depends on it.

She can be found on:

Facebook – @thisishealthyliving

Twitter – @ArtHealthLiving

Instagram – @arthealthyliving

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